
Thank you for subscribing and your comment! Here's a link to "Cards for Democracy" action - https://fieldteam6.herokuapp.com/getting_started - that we learned about from Building Bridges for America (https://www.buildingbridgesforamerica.com/).

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Excellent! I am a new subscriber. I just this morning learned of your substack by reading about it on Sheila Kennedy’s newsletter. I think that the national Democrat Party has abandoned Indiana, and the state Democrat Party seems pretty ineffective, and as a result it seems that Hoosier Democrats suffer from learned helplessness. I gain strength and hope from grass-roots organizations such as yours.

How about a postcard writing initiative in Indiana to help encourage potential Democrat voters to register and show up at the polls? I would be glad to help write as many as possible, and would host a postcard writing party for my friends who would help.

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